La svizzera Lüscher, nota produttrice di CtP offset e flexo ha dichiarato insolvenza. Riportiamo dai nostri partner Global Print Monitor.
Lüscher AG Maschinenbau declares insolvency
The Board of Directors of Lüscher AG Maschinenbau has established the company’s indebtedness and has applied for bankruptcy at the respective authorities, the company announced today.
“The consequences of the massive downturn in the printing industry in the wake of the financial crisis, which among others has not spared big industry leaders such as Kodak and Manroland, the continued downturn of printing coupled with an expensive Swiss francs and in the last nine months and, in addition, a substantial drop in orders taken to prevent a continuation of the company’s activities”, have been cited.
Lüscher AG has been taking considerable efforts, supported by the Bank, development partners and investors in new, more attractive applications. However under the currently prevailing cautious market position the financial situation could not be stabilized.
There is the prospect that with strategic partners parts of the actitivies of the company can be continued and a part of jobs can be saved.
“The Board of Directors and the Executives wish to thank the customers, suppliers, distributors and employees for their many years of loyalty and good cooperation”, the company announced.
Those responsible in cooperation with the competent authorities try to maintain a minimum supply in the coming weeks.
Altre notizie, in italiano, sul Corriere del Ticino
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